What you'll need: 1. Ms Visual FoxPro ( any version since 6.x will do but I’ve used 9.0 ); 2. XAMPP ( to set up an Apache web server and a MariaDB database server ); 3. MySql ODBC Driver ( I’ve used v.5.3 but any version should work ); 4. Creating a VFP script that sends MySql commands to the MySql server; FoxPro by Carlosgutierreztobon17, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons 1. Ms Visual FoxPro You’ll obviously need to install VFP for this operation. I can supply you with a standalone version of the script but it won't be free as it needs to be custom made for your requirements ( if you still want this check the link at the bottom of this tutorial ). 2. Setting up XAMPP XAMPP is required if you don’t already have Apache and MySql servers installed. It will contain both of these modules and you won't have to worry about installing and configuring them. Use this link: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html and select the correct version depending of your O
Programming and graphic design tutorials by C.R.G.